Wyndham Corporate Codes are codes provided by Wyndham Hotels & Resorts to companies and organizations that have a corporate account with them.

These codes can be used by employees or members of the organization when making reservations at Wyndham hotels, allowing them to access special rates and discounts.

The specific discounts and rates available with a Wyndham Corporate Code will vary depending on the contract the company has with Wyndham and the location of the hotel.

To use a Wyndham Corporate Code, individuals would need to enter the code in the corporate/promo code field when making a reservation.

The following are some of the Wyndham Corporate Codes

The discount will vary from location to location, We will continue to add to the list as we find new ones.

How to Apply a Wyndham Corporate Code?

CompanyHotel GroupCodeSearch Hotels
ABNWyndham8000000066Check Rates
AIChEWyndham1000007598Check Rates
ASCPWyndham1000010014Check Rates
Business Advantage PlusWyndham1000008537Check Rates
Century 21 SystemWyndham803277Check Rates
Civial Air PatrolWyndham1000008946Check Rates
EC PurchasingWyndham1000000265Check Rates
MTAWyndham1000007604Check Rates
NYSUTWyndham1000007844Check Rates
SmithBucklinWyndham55067752Check Rates
The Employee NetworkWyndham1000009871Check Rates
University of BuffaloWyndham100232108Check Rates

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